Micaih suffers from autism, epilepsy and a brain malfunction. He lives with his extended family and survives on Social Security income and his parents are incarcerated. Micaih jumps through daily hoops due to his medicial conditions, but he’s making progress. Now the family is seeking medicinal cannabis treatments for him, but daily life and a low household income are taking a toll on the family. Micaih is just one of almost 40 families that the Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drives seeks to help this year.

The Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drive focuses on providing a quality Christmas for families harmed by the effects of cannabis prohibition. The 38 families across the country supported this year are battling anything from incarceration to rising medical costs or low access to medicinal cannabis.

Parents 4 Pot and us here at TWB are asking you to check out their page and lead a helping hand to those in need. You can learn about all of the families’, read about their experiences and find their holiday wish list at parents4pot.org.

Micaih is far from the only child suffering from the effects of cannabis prohibition. Take Maddie. She’s 3 years old and batting Zellweger syndrome, a rare disease that manifested into a severe seizure disorders. Yet cannabis treatments have dramatically decreased her seizures. Maddie lives in hospice where her parents care for her.

Or Charlie (15), Wendy (14) and Evelyn (6). Both of their parents suffer from medical conditions for which they moved from Texas to Colorado to seek medicinal cannabis treatments. Their father suffers from dangerous blood clots and must remain on 24/7 disability, while their mother has seizures and GI issues. These children and all of those supported by Parents 4 Pot deserve to have a joyous holiday season, and that’ why we’re asking you to give.

Parents 4 Pot is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to providing a voice for families in support of ending marijuana prohibition who works with families to help them deal with cannabis-related issues.

If you’re interested in learning more about this families or donating, check out the Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drive.

Or click here to learn more about Parents 4 Pot.