For Crystal Hill, the idea of medical marijuana hits close to home – people she knows and loves could use the plant for medicine, and Hill herself sees it as a business opportunity, especially as her bank account has been depleted since she’s been laid off from Halliburton.
That’s why she signed up as a volunteer for Oklahomans for Health to run a petition signing in Duncan to get State Questions 788 and 787 on the ballot this November.
“I am a strong advocate for medical marijuana, I believe it does more good than harm,” Hill said. “I have several things that have taken me to this point. When I was 18, my best friend came down with rheumatoid arthritis. She started going to doctors – they didn’t believe her that she was in pain, (they thought) she was just pill seeking until her joints started to deform. They really didn’t take her seriously.”
Her friend has had, at the age of 33, joint replacements in her hip, knees and ankles.
“Her medication of choice is marijuana,” she said. “The doctors will give her as many pain pills as she wants but she doesn’t want to take them.”
Hill said her friend was always worried about her children being taking away or going to jail if she used marijuana.
“I don’t think she should have to worry about any of that because she chooses something that is natural,” Hill said. “It’s not chemically made by the pharmaceutical companies, that’s her preference and there is so many people who feel that way.”
The petition as a whole must get a little over 66,000 signatures to be on the ballot on Nov. 8. According to Hill, if each of the 77 counties in Oklahoma only turned in 1,000 signatures, it’ll make it to the General Election ballot.
The two questions are:
• State question 788, which legalizes medical marijuana for people 21 and older as prescribed by a doctor. It also will allow people to become licensed growers or dispensers of medical marijuana.
• State question 787, which would make it difficult for lawmakers to amend the resolution should it pass and any changes would need a super majority of both the House of Representatives and the State Senate.
“If there is something major it can be changed but it just gives us a chance so they can’t shut it down before it has a chance to work,” Hill said.
Several people who came to sign the petition said they were not people who used marijuana but felt people who were sick should be able to use it as medicine.
Hill said one of the other parts of the state question is something else she is interested in – becoming a licensed grower.
“There’s a whole industry out there that’s a billion dollar industry,” she said. “I want to start my own business, I want to work for myself. I don’t want to be tied down by oil, being in Oklahoma that’s a major point for me.”
Hill said there were 25 other states that Oklahoma can follow and use as a model to implement the law safely.
Hill will be set up at Memorial Park along Highway 81 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. today and Sunday, and the only requirement to sign the petition is be a registered voter.
News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Petition For Medical Marijuana Now In Duncan
Author: Linda Provost
Contact: The Duncan Banner
Photo Credit: Linda Provost
Website: The Duncan Banner