Rocky River, Ohio – With the clock ticking regarding Ohio’s recently approved medical marijuana legislation that permits use beginning Sept. 8, Rocky River Law Director Andrew D. Bemer recently introduced legislation that prohibits the cultivation, processing and dispensing of medical marijuana in the city.

On Monday, Rocky River City Council read the ordinance for the first time before going on summer recess.

“The medical marijuana law was signed on June 9,” Bemer said. “There’s a 90-day period of time for cities to react but the problem is the State of Ohio is going to do the licensing and they apparently are nowhere near letting the public know exactly what’s what and what’s going to happen.”

Bemer said after unsuccessfully asking state officials for guidance, he talked to Rocky River Mayor Pamela Bobst and safety service directors about crafting the ordinance.

“We received a letter from the Westshore Enforcement Bureau,” Bobst said. “They really see this as an enforcement issue. We don’t know what the state is doing, what the oversight will be, what the licensure piece will be. We felt we needed to take this step.”

Added Bemer, “As far as we’re concerned, we’re ahead of the game. We have our ducks in order, and we’ll see what the state will do.”

In a similar move, Lakewood City Council last week passed a moratorium on the cultivation and sale of medical marijuana.

“Cities aren’t licensing it,” Bemer said. “It would be different if you get a license process or permit process. So there are potential legal issues going on but we have home rule authority according to the statute.”

Bemer said the expectation is City Council will approve the ordinance at its next meeting scheduled for the day after Labor Day.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Rocky River Crafts Proactive Medical Marijuana Ordinance
Author: John Benson
Photo Credit: Issei Kato