Not for Kids Warning Symbol

Submitted by cmsadmin on November 28, 2016 – 01:43

Not for Kids Warning Symbol

The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board established a requirement to place the “Not for Kids” warning symbol on all marijuana edible products (marijuana infused products meant to be eaten or swallowed). The new requirement will be effective on February 14, 2017.

What do the rules require?
Marijuana edible products must have the “Not for Kids” warning symbol placed on all packaging by February 14, 2017 using one of the three options below:

  1. The digital image can be incorporated onto labels for marijuana edible products;
  2. The digital image may be downloaded and used to print stickers for placement on the front of marijuana edible products; or
  3. Licensees may choose to purchase stickers of the “Not for Kids” warning symbol for placement on the front of marijuana edible products.

The symbol or stickers cannot cover or obscure any other information required to be on packages or labels for marijuana products.
It also cannot be changed in any way other than for sizing purposes, except that a licensee must use a black border around the edges of the white background of the warning symbol image when the label or packaging is also white to ensure visibility of the warning symbol.

Sizing of the Warning Symbol:
The warning symbol must be of a size to be legible and readily visible by the consumer and effective to alert consumers and children that the product is not for kids, but must not be smaller than three-quarters (3/4) of an inch in height by one-half (1/2) of an inch in width.

Where can I get the digital image of the “Not for Kids” warning symbol?
The “Not for Kids” warning symbol is available at the Washington Poison Center’s website, here: .

Where can I view the rules as adopted by the WSLCB?
The adopted rules are available on the WSLCB’s “Recently Adopted Rules” webpage, available here: Once the rules become effective, they can be accessed via the Legislature’s website in the WLSCB’s marijuana rules chapter 314-55 WAC, here:

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