By Danielle Keane, NORML Political Director

NORML PAC is pleased to announce it’s endorsement of Braddock, PA Mayor John Fetterman in his campaign to be elected to the United States Senate representing the state of Pennsylvania.

Mayor Fetterman has made marijuana law reform an important topic of his campaign. When asked about his position towards eliminating criminal penalties for the responsible use of marijuana by adults his campaign responded, “As a small town mayor of a community of color, Mayor John has seen first hand how the War on Drugs has failed and how it has disproportionately failed people of color. Mayor John’s position is also based on science, and he sees it as incredibly hypocritical that our country regulates the sale of alcohol, a far more dangerous drug, but puts people in jail for marijuana use, a drug which has resulted in zero overdose deaths.”

In addition to National NORML’s support, Mayor Fetterman has also worked closely with our Pittsburgh NORML chapter to highlight the importance of marijuana law reform in Pennsylvania’s communities. We’re positive he will continue to be an outspoken advocate for responsible marijuana use and will continue to champion it as a candidate for U.S. Senate.

To learn more about Mayor John Fetterman’s campaign for Senate you can visit his website or follow him on Facebook.

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