Denver is making green history yet again.

The city’s voters appear to have legalized the social use of marijuana in permitted private establishments, according to election results released Monday evening.

Supporters of Initiative 300 led 53 percent to 47 percent as of 6 p.m. ― a margin of 17,173 votes. State election officials noted that results were unofficial until the election is certified on Nov. 22. The Denver Post pointed out it would take a “supermajority” of opposition votes to shift the results as they stand now.

Colorado became one of the first states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana nearly three years ago, but it remains illegal for people to consume it in public. The only way adults can legally consume marijuana is in private homes, with the permission of the homeowner, or in a small number of cannabis-only clubs. Initiative 300 would change that, allowing customers of permitted bars and cafes to bring and consume their own pot. [Read more at Huffington Post]