Public Invited-Free to all members.
October 5th (Always First Friday) Read the October Meeting Recap Agenda 10 min | THC Ministries’ Roger Christie 05 min | Upcoming Events and Opportunities 10 min | Korean Natural Farmings’ Eric Weinert 10 min | How the Hawaii Patient Union Serves 05 min | How To Benefit from Membership 10 min | Grower’s Legal Shield with Jeff Pollock 20 min | QnA with Special Guests Open Cannabis Discussion till pau Venue Hawaii Innovation Center at Hilo Directions 117 Keawe Street, Hilo, Hi 96720 Time 5:30pm-7:30pm Cost Free to Members Suggested donation for non-members, $5-$10 (no one is turned away) |
Hawaii Patient Union meetings are open to the public and held on the first Friday of each month.Come out and meet your fellow patients, caregivers, growers, producers, business owners, advocates and our communities getting involved in our local Cannabis supply-chain. We share stories, learn and share Cannabis information helpful to beginners. We always have some experts in attendance to answer your questions about Cannabis medicine, business, compliance, processing, distribution and retail. Discussion on the latest research, changes in the law, pending legislation for patient rights and information helpful to anyone suffering from Cannabis-treatable diseases and symptoms. |
Whether you’re looking to stay informed about local events or you want to get more deeply involved on Maui, Oahu, Kauai or Hawaii islands.
Vist for more details.