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We’re now just two weeks away from the November 8th election. And this year, nine statewide cannabis initiatives are on the ballot. One of these is Florida’s Amendment 2, which would legalize medical cannabis for those who receive a recommendation from a physician.

In 2014, a similar measure, also put forth by the group United for Care, failed to pass into law despite receiving over 50% of the vote. This year’s initiative also requires 60% of voter support to pass.

Luckily, new polling shows that well over 60% of voters support the constitutional amendment. The new Anzalone Liszt Grove Research poll found that 74% of voters in Florida are in favor of Amendment 2.

The new Anzalone Liszt Grove Research poll found that 74% of voters in Florida are in favor of Amendment 2.

“Despite the No on 2 campaign spending millions of dollars in advertising, Amendment 2 support is still holding strong,” says Kevin Akins, a pollster for Anzalone Liszt Grove.

“Voters across racial, gender, and geographic divides support the Amendment 2 ballot language by a winning margin.”

Akins notes that; “Importantly, support today is +13% greater than internal surveys taken three weeks from the 2014 election. Amendment 2 looks poised to finish strong this year”

“This poll confirms what other polls have shown all along–voters recognize it is time to do what legislature failed to do and pass a compassionate medical marijuana law letting doctors use their best judgement for their seriously debilitated patients,” United for Care Campaign Manager Ben Pollara said.

If Amendment 2 is passed into law, in addition to allowing cannabis to be used by those with a recommendation from a physician, it would establish a system of licensed dispensaries as a means of safe access to medical cannabis for those who need it.

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