Legislation that would legalize the medical use, possession and distribution of cannabis for medical purposes has been filed in Mississippi.

State Representative Joel Bomgar (R-Madison) has filed House Bill 179, which would make it so that “qualifying patient who possesses a valid registry identification card” are not “subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner.”

Under the proposed law, those with a qualifying condition who receive a recommendation from a physician will be legally allowed to possess and use cannabis and cannabis products for medical purposes. Patients would also be allowed to possess up to 2.5 ounces at any given time.

Qualifying conditions for include:

The measure establishes a system of licensed and regulated cannabis dispensaries, accessible by any qualified patients. These will be supplied by licensed cannabis retail outlets. All medical cannabis and medical cannabis products will be sold entirely tax free.

Click here for the full text of House Bill 179.

In September, an initiative to legalize recreational cannabis for everyone 21 and older was filed in the state; Proposition 60 would legalize the unlimited possession of cannabis for those 21 and older, and would allow them to cultivate 24 cannabis plants for personal use. The initiative would also legalize cannabis retail outlets. Advocates must collect 86,000 valid signatures to put Prop 60 to a vote of the people.