Mexico may be the next to legalize medicinal cannabis, as officials are set to vote on expanding medicinal cannabis laws today. The reform measure would broaden the allowed import and use of cannabinoids in medicine.

Last week, Mexico’s three political parties came to an agreement on their opinions surrounding the use of medicinal cannabis. Now it is left to today’s voting to see what will happen with the reform to the General Health Act. The decision must be made before the end of the regular session on December 15. However, approval may not even be considered in time due to a focus on other issues on the agenda.

The new laws are not meant to complete open the medicinal marijuana industry, but to increase access to CBD and other beneficial aspects of the plant through the import of cannabis-derived product.

“No it is not legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes, what we are creating is a specific regulatory system for certain substances in the plant that has positive effects on the health of those who have some diseases or illnesses,” said PAN Senator Roberto Gil who supports the reform. 

This is a huge step towards marijuana reform for our neighbors to the south. Mexican lawmakers are interested in exploring the medicinal possibilities of the plant. In order to do so, they see the benefit of opening a space to monitor and research for medical use.

But don’t expect to see THC products anytime soon. This reform attempt makes clear that any new regulations and the agreed opinion of lawmakers will focus on cannabis derivatives with THC concentrations of 1% or less.

News laws could empower the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS) to to issue permits for medicinal cannabis to patients in need. Gil aims to open access where it’s needed most and “…especially children suffering from any conditions such as childhood epilepsy or sclerosis….” 

Mexican news sources reported this month that an influx of requests for use of marijuana have been submitted to COFEPRIS, 138 of which seek permission for CBD use.

The measure could leave the United States in a tricky spot by making both our neighboring countries where medicinal cannabis is legal.