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Medicinal cannabis overwhelming passes in Mexican Senate.

You may remember in our previous post, that Mexico was set to vote on legalizing medicinal marijuana. While there was concern that other issues would take precedence over the marijuana legislation, the Senate was able to come to a decision on the new bill.

In a landslide victory of 98-7, medicinal cannabis was voted to pass. As we previously reported, the focus of this bill was to expand access to CBD. However, this bill, also allows a small percentage (1% or less) of THC to be present in medicinal products.

The bills allows opens access for researchers to continue studies regarding the medicinal properties of marijuana and the ability to grow cannabis for this purpose.

“It’s been years that we’ve been fighting for acknowledgment and approval and recognition of the medical and therapeutic uses of cannabis, and today we finally have something,” said Lisa Sanchez, director of drug policy for Mexico Unido Contra la Delincuencia, according to Reuters.

You can find a full report here.