WASHINGTON, DC — Americans for Safe Access (ASA) on Thursday released a briefing book —“Medical Cannabis in America”— calling on Congress and the Obama Administration to end the conflict between federal and state governments on medical cannabis programs.

The report includes potential actions for President Obama to take during the lame duck session along with steps for the incoming Congress and President-elect Donald Trump.

ASA argues these suggestions would protect the more than 2 million medical cannabis patients in the U.S. by allowing local manufacturers, growers, and distributors to operate in accordance with their own state’s laws regarding medical cannabis without fear of federal interference.

View the report here:

“Medical cannabis is reshaping the way we view modern medicine,” said Steph Sherer, executive director of Americans for Safe Access, “but in order to continue providing millions of patients with the medicine they need, Congress and the Obama Administration need to take action. There are things that President Obama can do before he leaves office to ensure a smoother transition for medical cannabis policy under the new administration. This is perhaps one of the only political issues that has bipartisan support.”

Medical Cannabis in America: The Medical Cannabis Briefing Book’ is a guide for Congress, the Obama Administration, and President-elect Trump that provides modern scientific evidence on medical cannabis, what the federal and state conflict means for patients who rely on this medicine, and what Congress can do to end this conflict.

The report outlines how federal agencies can help states increase the quality and safety of medical cannabis programs, details a role for federal oversight after the passage of comprehensive legislatio,  and outlines steps the current POTUS can take before leaving the white house including:

“The next Congress must pass the CARERS Act or its successor bill to protect millions of patients from federal interference in states with medical cannabis programs,” said Mike Liszewski, Director of Government Affairs at Americans for Safe Access. “CARERS has the potential to greatly improve public health by harmonizing state and federal medical cannabis laws, but we need our elected officials to act swiftly. Millions of people depend on this botanical medicine and simply cannot afford to wait.”

“Medical Cannabis in America: The Medical Cannabis Briefing Book” also dispels a number of popular myths about cannabis – amongst them that cannabis is a “gateway” drug, and documents how over 2 million Americans rely on state-run, physician supervised cannabis programs to alleviate symptoms of illnesses like cancer, Crohn’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, seizure disorders, post traumatic stress, and chronic pain.

The report shows:

View the report here: http://www.safeaccessnow.org/briefing

Tags: Americans for Safe Access, Barack Obama, CARERS Act, Congress, Donald Trump, Drug Enforcement Administration, Food and Drug Administration, gateway theory, Medical Cannabis, Medical Cannabis in America, Medical Cannabis in America: The Medical Cannabis Briefing Book, medical marijuana, The War on Marijuana