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Primary Outcome Measures:

Children’s Hospital Colorado (CHCO) Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders (CCBD) is a national leader in pediatric cancer therapy. The CHCO Neuro-Oncology program treats more that 90% of Coloradan children with Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors and a large percentage of children with CNS tumors from the surrounding five states. Due to advances in therapy, approximately two-thirds of children with CNS tumors treated at CHCO will be cured. Although medical marijuana has been legal for more than a decade in Colorado, the publicity around the more recent legalization for general adult use, increasing literature, and anecdotal reports of patients with terminal CNS tumors cured with medical marijuana, have prompted a recent increase in interest of current CHCO patients and their families. There has been an influx of pediatric cancer patients and their families moving to Colorado to obtain these marijuana-based products to self-medicate. In particular, the influx of families from distant states seeking marijuana for their children, who often have unbeatable, advanced CNS tumors.

This study proposes to do a prospective observational cohort study evaluating the quality of life (QOL) of children with CNS tumors and their families who choose to self-medicate with marijuana-derived products while undergoing treatment at CHCO.

The Investigators will administer PedsQLTM questionnaires and diaries to gather data regarding use practices, method of delivery, strain used, dosing and frequency, and family financial impact on all enrolled patients. The Investigators will also collect peripheral blood samples to evaluate for evidence of immuno-modulation by cannabinoids in patients who may already be immunocompromised and to assess blood cannabinoid levels.

This study will provide novel exploratory data regarding use patterns, impact on families and resources, and potential clinical benefits and harms associated with the growing marijuana use in the pediatric neuro-oncology population. Such information may guide future children afflicted with CNS tumors and their families to make decisions about whether to pursue cannabinoid treatment.