LA: LSU – Medical Marijuana Available Next Summer, At Earliest
The university isn’t using state funds to produce medical marijuana. LSU and Southern University have agreed to grow medical marijuana in line with the plan that was established by state legislators earlier this year. LSU Vice President for Agriculture Bill Richardson told potential contractors today what to expect when applying to become partnering operators with […]
LA: LSU AgCenter To Host Forum On Medical Marijuana Program
Baton Rouge – The LSU AgCenter will host a forum to discuss outside investment opportunities for its state licensed medical marijuana program. The LSU AgCenter has opted to be a licensed producer for Louisiana’s medical marijuana program, but due to state budget constraints will seek outside investments to finance the operation. University officials said the […]
LA: LSU AG Center Ready To Grow Medical Marijuana
Baton Rouge, LA – LSU is moving forward with plans to grow medical marijuana for the state. Bill Richardson, LSU Vice President of Agriculture, presented his plan to the Baton Rouge Rotary Club Wednesday afternoon. The marijuana will be grown off campus, and no students will be involved. It will be processed into medicinal form […]