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Lifetime measures of cannabis use and co-occurring exposures were obtained from a longitudinal cohort followed an average of 13 years at the time they received a structural MRI scan. MRI scans were analyzed for 88 participants (mean age=25.9 years), 34 of whom were regular users of cannabis. Whole brain voxel based morphometry analyses (SPM8) were conducted using 50 voxel clusters at p=0.005. Controlling for age, familial risk, and gender, we found reduced volume in Regular Users compared to Non-Users, in the lingual gyrus, anterior cingulum (right and left), and the rolandic operculum (right). The right anterior cingulum reached family-wise error statistical significance at p=0.001, controlling for personal lifetime use of alcohol and cigarettes and any prenatal exposures. CNR1 haplotypes were formed from four CNR1 SNPs (rs806368, rs1049353, rs2023239, and rs6454674) and tested with level of cannabis exposure to assess their interactive effects on the lingual gyrus, cingulum (right and left) and rolandic operculum, regions showing cannabis exposure effects in the SPM8 analyses. These analyses used mixed model analyses (SPSS) to control for multiple potentially confounding variables. Level of cannabis exposure was associated with decreased volume of the right anterior cingulum and showed interaction effects with haplotype variation.

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