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What a shock! Legalization of medical cannabis is proving to be beneficial not only to those who need its healing qualities, but for all Americans. Financially.

According to NPR, in states that have legalized medical cannabis, Medicare prescriptions have dropped. That doesn’t just mean savings for those who would otherwise need the costly prescriptions; it means savings for everyone who contributes to Medicare funding in those states.

That’s a much broader portion of the population, obviously. And don’t chalk it up to coincidence. We’re seeing drops in prescriptions for painkillers and antidepressants, first and foremost, i.e. drugs that can be replaced by much cheaper medical cannabis. We’re not seeing the same for the likes of blood-thinners and other prescriptions that can’t be replaced by cannabis.

More good news for Medical Cannabis Patients!

Medical cannabis is going to become legal in more states. Arkansas and Florida are set to vote on the issue in November; according to Larry Josephson, a political oddsmaker, Florida polls are very encouraging and 55-percent of Americans now favor “unfettered legalization.”

Just how much Medicare tax money is being saved?

Estimates are that medical cannabis saved taxpayers upwards of $165 million in 2013, alone. That’s a lot of money that can be re-routed to other deserving programs and initiatives such as school, childcare, body cameras and more.

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