You may have recently read Leafly’s staff picks of which funny subreddits to browse while high. We didn’t want to just stop there, so we went ahead and mined our staff once more to bring you our top mind-blowing subreddits to visit while high. These range from communities posting deep content and artwork to gorgeous snaps of nature and people.
Load up a pipe, click along, and maybe you’ll find yourself contemplating the vast interworkings of the universe through these seven subreddits.
Damn That’s Interesting
Much like its name, the content in r/damnthatsinteresting is meant to make its users say, “Damn…that’s interesting,” and if it’s interesting enough to say it sober, imagine what you’ll think after a couple of drags off a joint.
Sample r/damnthatsinteresting submission by zoommaa – “If 100 people lived on Earth”:
Earth Porn
No, this is not a subreddit outlining the many ways porn is produced on Earth. Instead, it celebrates Earth’s extreme beauty. From the West Coast (best coast) to the Himalayan mountains to almost every gorgeous spot on Earth, nature is the star in r/earthporn. You’ll be wanting to pack your sleeping bags and head to the nearest mountain range once you get to scanning this beautiful sub.
Sample r/earthporn submission by Guntermonkey – “Lower Antelope Canyon”:
Heavy Mind
Some are personal pieces of artwork; others are professional – both lie under the r/heavymind community guidelines for mind-blowing artwork. These aren’t just pretty pieces ready to be hung on the wall, these are pieces designed to make you think. You’ll want to spend a few minutes mentally chewing on each design.
Sample r/heavymind submission by drumkilla23 – “Celestial with Ravens, mixed media 2017”:
Whoa Dude
The quintessential mind-blowing subreddit has to go to r/whoadude. Even the “About” section knows what’s up: “The best links to click while you’re stoned! Trippy & mesmerizing games, video, audio & images that make you go ‘woah dude!’” We don’t need any more convincing than that!
Sample r/whoadude submission by spicedpumpkins – “This is not a painting. Namib-Naukluft Park, Namibia”:
Human Porn
Much like the disclaimer I made for r/earthporn, r/humanporn is not – I repeat – IS NOT about humans in porn movies. No. Instead, it’s a subreddit dedicated to the beauty of humans and our vast cultural differences. Here, you can see stunning photographs of people from all backgrounds and walks of life engaged in their day to day. One photo is of a bride in traditional Kazakh wedding attire, another of a child gleefully dancing in the streets during a Day of the Dead festival. This subreddit may leave you feeling just a little bit closer to all of humankind.
Sample r/humanporn submission by in-flexible – “Nepalese kids in Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu”:
Shower Thoughts
You know those moments in the shower, when you’re unwinding at the end of the day, purely vulnerable to your surroundings, and a thought hits you – it could be philosophical or mundane, but it hits you enough to wish that pads of paper and stacks of pens were waterproof? Well, there’s a subreddit for those thoughts in r/showerthoughts, where users share their most confounding thoughts and open them up to discussion among the greater community. Next time a thought hits you in the shower, remember it and maybe you’ll find some people who connect with your same wave of thinking.
Sample r/showerthoughts submission by nv1226:
“The first guy to hear a parrot talk probably was not okay for a few days” (source)
Colorized History
Sometimes it’s easy to separate ourselves from those who have lived before us. They were part of the “then,” experiencing things that are foreign to us today in the “now.” But, there’s one subreddit dedicated to closing the gap between humans in history: r/colorizedhistory. Many users come together to painstakingly colorize old photographs, giving them a more realistic touch away from the classic white and black. It is mind-blowing in its stark humanness.
Sample r/colorizedhistory submission by Ruzden – “Drought refugee from Polk, Missouri, awaiting the opening of orange picking season at Porterville, California, 1936”:
What are some of your go-to mind-blowing subreddits? Drop ’em in the comments section!