By Amber Boone
Let’s face it, it’s easy for kids to get drugs at school. This doesn’t just mean high-schoolers being able to purchase them illegally. Almost every school board in the nation allows nurses and teachers to administer ADHD medications like Ritalin and Adderall. These chemicals are closely related to methamphetamine — and most providers, educators, parents don’t even think twice about it.
Cannabis: Safe, Yet Out
It’s a monumental struggle, though, to get cannabis extract for ADHD administered in schools, even in states where it’s legal. In Colorado, for example, each school has the authority to allow it or not. And, even in Colorado, getting the school’s administration to allow it has been a tough row to hoe.
There are currently three states that have made it legal for children to take medical cannabis while on school property: New Jersey, Maine, and Colorado. New Jersey was first, and Maine schools are embracing the medication. Colorado, one of the more liberal states, has been slow, almost reticent.
Cannabis for Cerebral Palsy
Stacey Linn became fed up with the side effects and inefficacy of traditional cerebral palsy (CP) treatments for her son. CP can cause severe, involuntary muscle contractions that are both painful and debilitating. Linn, the executive director of Cannability Foundation, researched medical cannabis and decided to give it a try. She has seen drastic improvements in her son’s health since incorporating CBN (cannabinol) in his treatment regimen. CBN is a natural relaxant, pain reliever, and tranquilizer derived from cannabis flowers.
CannAbility was founded to provide support, resources, education and access to cannabis for parents of kids living with an illness or disability.
Since her son’s improvements, Linn has become an activist and dedicated her life to fighting for medical rights. “I will fight to the death until these kids can go to school with [medical marijuana],” she told Jordyn Taylor on She and other parents and activists are working to effect change in Colorado and other states.
Their work is paying off. The Colorado Senate will soon vote on a bill their House already passed that would require schools to allow students who need it to possess medical cannabis while on school property, on school buses, or at any school event. It would allow the child’s parent, legal guardian, or a medical professional to administer the medication. In addition, the bill stipulates that if the school or school district should lose any federal funds as a result of complying with the bill, the state must offset the loss.
It seems like common sense to those of us who understand the safety of cannabis medicine, especially compared to the risks of the pharmaceuticals it replaces. But we need to keep in mind that we are fighting almost 100 years of negative propaganda. The stigma associated with the plant is irrational and deep-seated, the ignorance rampant and profound.
Teetotalers, or Hypocrites?
Just recently, in honor of the de facto global cannabis day, April 20, this writer saw posts in social media such as “If you’re celebrating 4/20 as a holiday, put down the bong and do something with your life” and “If this holi-daze has you celebrating, you should move out of your mom’s basement.” (Are they really teetotalers who never touch a drop — or merely blatant hypocrites?)
For years we were fed myths that “marijuana” was evil, it was a gateway substance, it would ruin our lives like hard drugs, etc. And many of our educators have had that message drilled into their heads, and have been drilling it into other kids’ heads, and so on.
Changing the perception of cannabis and cannabis consumers won’t happen overnight, so that’s why the incremental steps of acceptance are so crucially important. It’s vital that you make your voice heard, so that politicians will feel the pressure to pass bills like this, and educators will understand that it’s okay to respect parents’ wishes and the wisdom of their doctors.
About the Author
Amber Boone
For more information on medical and discretionary cannabis use along with great recipes, how-to videos, and information on the MagicalButter machine, check out
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