It looks like Kansas City, Missouri could be voting to decriminalize marijuana possession during the city’s next election cycle in April. This comes after enough signatures were gathered on a petition initiative seeking to do just that, according to a report from the Kansas City Star.

The proposal aims to change the current law and treat 35 grams or less of marijuana as a city ordinance violation with a fine of $25. This would be similar to the decriminalization laws in both St. Louis and Columbia said NORML KC spokeswoman Jamie Kacz in the report.

The initiative was supported by the Kansas City chapter of NORML and gathered over 2,000 signatures of registered voters. Before the measure hits the ballot, the City Council must review and approve the measure. All reviews must be made before January 19, leaving the City Council with less than their allowed 60 days for approval. This means it’s possible they won’t get through their review before the deadline.

For more about the proposed measure in Kansas City, click here.