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Experimental: Responsible Marijuana Vendor Training

The TrainToTend online responsible marijuana vendor training teaches responsible sales practices in five modules: Module 1, The Laws; Module 2, ID Checking; Module 3, Health Effects; Module 4, Customer Service, and Module 5, Rules of the Trade. The training content will be conveyed using online educational activities providing application and feedback such as in tabs with appropriate graphics and interactive simulations where users apply the skill and receive informative/corrective feedback.

Behavioral: Responsible Marijuana Vendor Training

Employees at retail recreational marijuana stores assigned to the the responsible marijuana vendor training will register them on TrainToTend online training program, create a user profile, and complete the training within four weeks from initial registration. Personnel who complete the training will receive a certificate of completion. New hires at the stores during the trial will be registered and complete the training within four weeks of commencing work. Separate versions of the training will be available reflecting differences in the laws/regulations on recreational marijuana sales in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington State and the content will be reviewed and approved by state regulators.