Post-legalization of cannabis in certain states, nothing has upped the herb’s social status and sex appeal like the cannabis-infused dinner party. Interlinked with other sophisticated farm-to-table ingredients in exclusive, beautiful, and often secret settings, cannabis is able to burst suddenly onto the scene in circles where a dirty bong on the coffee table is an issue, but dropping hundreds on a prix-fixe evening isn’t.

The latest elegant cannabis-infused event, hosted by MARY Magazine and Sous Weed (and co-sponsored by Leafly) in San Francisco, featured Chefs Monica Lo, Scott Peabody, and Jose Rodriguez, who love impressing diners with the artistry and versatility of cooking with cannabis. “I’m looking forward to exposing people to just how interesting and versatile the cannabis plant is, and showing them that the taste of cannabis not only needn’t be a downside, but can actually be an asset,” said Peabody shortly before the dinner. Added Rodriguez, “I’m looking forward to challenging people. I want them to not only enjoy an infused meal but to think about it critically.”


How 3 Pro Cannabis Chefs Think About Infused Cooking

We could write all day about mouthwatering cannabis-cured mackerel crudo or sumptuous cannabis-smoked guinea hen roulade, but instead of an envy-inducing description, let the images below offer you a seat at the table.

Images by Kate Munsch

Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party - MARY Magazine bags
Cannabis-Infused Drink
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party Menu
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party Food
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party Desserts
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party
More Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party Food
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party: At the Table
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party
Cannabis-Infused Brussel Sprouts
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party Main Course
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party Food
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party Dessert
Leafly Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party
Cannabis Chefs Scott Peabody, Monica Lo, and Jose Rodriguez