by Erik Altieri, NORML Executive Director November 24, 2016

As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, NORML would like to acknowledge and give thanks to you, our faithful members and supporters. Without you, there is no us.

 As we reflect upon this unprecedented year, we have much to be thankful for:

These notable victories would not have been achieved without your courage, conviction, and support.

Click here to continue the momentum and show your support for marijuana legalization this holiday season. 

As we look toward an uncertain future, we know we must work to both sustain our existing gains and to assure future progress. With your continued support, we are confident that we can bring the era of marijuana prohibition to an end and usher in the new era of legalization. Together, we will be unstoppable. Together, we WILL legalize marijuana across this great country.

From all of us at NORML to all of you, we hope you have a hempy and happy Thanksgiving.

Erik Altieri
NORML Executive Director