The election is tomorrow. And while not every state is voting for marijuana legalization or reform, every state is voting new or old members into Congress – in addition, of course, to deciding America’s next president.

With nine marijuana reform initiatives on the ballot, it’s important to bring up one thing: marijuana legalization initiatives and law reforms are only as good as the officials we vote into place to uphold them.

We recommend checking out our list of states voting on marijuana reform. We’ve broken down each states initiatives and what they mean for recreational and medical marijuana users and industry.

However, states with marijuana policy initiatives on the ballot are not the only ones carrying the burden of the legalization efforts. November 8th voting could completely turn the tides of legalization efforts – 34 Senate seats are open.

But even more important than the Senate this election round, is the House of Representatives. Every single member of the House – 435 seats – is running in the election. With the house completely for the taking, YOUR vote does count.

No law is set in stone. That’s why it’s important you research your state and local officials running for office. Each and everyone has a say in how marijuana legalization pans out in your state.

This fall the Washington Post put together a list of Congress Members who support the legalization of marijuana.

When I read the list, I could help but think that it looked small. Really small, especially since Congress is supposed to represent the opinion of American voters. With recent polls showing that 60% of Americans support marijuana legalization, it’s even more surprising to find that only 4% of Congress members outwardly support marijuana legalization.

If we turn our eyes away from recreational marijuana for a minute, we see that over 51% of Congress supports medical marijuana reform or the decriminalization of marijuana. Nearly 10% of Congress thinks that legalization should be left in states hands.

That leaves us with 56% of Congress in favor of some sort marijuana policy reform. At least that gets us closer. 

We’re not telling you who to vote for…but we are encouraging you to GET OUT AND VOTE! Make your voice heard this election cycle.

Do your research. Learn about the candidates running in your area. Learn their stance on marijuana legalization! For comprehensive ballot information regarding your area, check out  Ballotpedia.