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SACRAMENTO, CA—Today, Tom Campbell, the respected former Republican Congressman and legislator, former Director of the California Department of Finance under Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and current law school professor at Chapman University in Orange County, officially endorsed Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, which will be on the statewide ballot in November.

“Proposition 64 is a smarter, safer and more fiscally sound approach to adult-use marijuana than what our state is presently doing,” said Campbell. “It will save law enforcement and state taxpayers tens of millions of dollars in reduced enforcement costs that can and should be dedicated to anti-drug education. It will also reduce the underground marijuana market and loosen the stranglehold of the drug cartels.”

“Our present approach, by contrast, puts too many young people into jail, has a racial impact that is very harmful in our state, and makes money for criminals,” he continued. “I have never smoked marijuana, and I do not advocate anyone doing so. But I know the difference between a public health problem and a law enforcement problem. Proposition 64 is the right solution at the right time for California.”

Campbell joins a bipartisan coalition of support for Proposition 64 that includes Democratic U.S. Reps. Ted Lieu and Jared Huffman and Republican U.S. Rep Dana Rohrabacher.