The Estonian Green Party has started gathering signatures for a petition for easier access to medical cannabis in Estonia.

“Results of a survey carried out already more than a year ago show that 67 per cent of Estonian residents support regulating cannabis similarly to tobacco, alcohol, and medication. The programme of the Estonian Green Party includes the same demand,” states the petition.

The Green Party says that growing different breeds of cannabis, as well as developing and producing products, would help to improve life in rural areas. Additionally prohibiting those suffering from rheumatic pains or such diseases as multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, or other serious conditions from using cannabis to better their condition “is just criminal,” the party said.

“The current situation is that if a patient through some miracle finally gets a prescription and enters the pharmacy, he or she won’t find cannabis or preparations made from cannabis. Getting access to medical cannabis is connected to very lengthy bureaucracy,” says the petition. “Patients can’t wait. They need help now.”

In the petition, the party urges the Riigikogu to draft legislation necessary for the production, processing, and ensuring access to medical cannabis by March 2017; the hope is for the legislation to be accepted in parliament by next summer.

The authors of the petition are also pushing for the discontinuation of penalties solely for owning or consuming cannabis.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Estonian Greens Collecting Signatures In Support Of Medical Cannabis
Author: Staff
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: The Baltic Times