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Our guest this week is David Bearman, M.D, clinician practicing cannabinoid medicine for 12 years, he is one of the founders and a vice president of the American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine. He is featured in the documentaries “What if Cannabis Cured Cancer” and “Medicinal Cannabis and Your Health” and has testified as an expert witness in over 400 criminal and civil cases. He is author of “Demons, Discrimination and Dollars” and is considered one of the most knowledgeable physicians on the clinical use of cannabis.
Special guest: Carl Olsen of Iowans for Medical Marijuana will update us on his work to remove cannabis as a controlled substance.  Your host: Attorney Michael Komorn of KomornLaw  Regular guests: Chad from the Birmingham Compassion Club, Gersh *Peanut Butter* for Cannabis Cancer Project, Rick Thompson reporting on news events, Jamie Lowell of Third Coast Compassion Center and recovering patient Mike McShane.  Tonight’s Show Sponsored By: MMMA: michiganmedicalmarijuana.org Thanks to CEO Joe Cain…and all the moderatorsKomorn Law – Atty Michael Komorn (800) 656-3557Green Thumb Garden Center of Ferndale (248) 439-1851