Special Guest: Michigan State Rep Mike Callton (R) of Nashville, MI
Very Special Guest (Hour 2): From Montana, ThaNarcoleptica, host of the Shark Attack Show, a podcast by and for medical marijuana patients will talk about similarities between our state laws.
CALL-IN NUMBER: (347) 326-9626 Live Every Wednesday 8 – 10:00 p.m.  Your host: Attorney Michael Komorn of KomornLawRegular guests: Chad from the Birmingham Compassion Club, Peanut Butter, Rick Thompson of Michigan Medical Marijuana Magazine, Jamie Lowell of Third Coast Compassion Center and recovering patient Mike McShane.  Tonight’s Show Sponsored By: MMMA: michiganmedicalmarijuana.org Thanks to CEO Joe Cain…and all the moderatorsKomorn Law Atty Michael Komorn (800) 656-3557Green Thumb Garden Center of Ferndale (248) 439-1851