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Our guests on The Cannabist Show this week: Cultivating Spirits founder Philip Wolf and Bud and Breakfast CTO Andy Rose, who runs a site that is like the Airbnb of weed.


• Review site Yelp is going after marijuana businesses. Yelp last week told a Denver massage studio that it could not advertise on the site because of the acronym ‘THC.’ The studio is best known for offering the Mile High Massage, which is 60 minutes of massage with a THC-infused lotion. But because LoDo Massage in Denver advertises the weed lotion on its website, Yelp said the business can no longer spend its advertising money with them. –Report by The Cannabist’s Ricardo Baca

• Colorado marijuana testing facility CannLabs closed its Denver laboratory on Tuesday and laid off as many as 15 people. The shutdown of one of the largest cannabis labs in Colorado, and one considered an industry leader, comes after months of controversy involving the company’s leadership. –Report by The Cannabist’s Ricardo Baca


Test your knowledge on the first U.S. state to allow on-site pot consumption at marijuana shops and rocker John Mayer’s tour through one of Colorado’s largest cannabis cultivation facilities. Also, is your Canadian geography better than ours? Probably.