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Primary Outcome Measures:

  • Marijuana Craving Visual Analog Scale (VAS) (Self-report measure) [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed. Marijuana Craving VAS administered at baseline 0900. Administered at 0945 and every 15 minutes until 1045, then every 30 minutes until 1245. At 1330 administered every 15 minutes until 1430, then every 30 minutes until 1630. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
  • Marijuana Craving Questionnaire (Self-report measure) [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed. Marijuana Craving Quest. administered at baseline 0900. Administered at 0945 and every 15 minutes until 1045, then every 30 minutes until 1245. At 1330 administered every 15 minutes until 1430, then every 30 minutes until 1630. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
  • Marijuana Rating Form (Self-report measure) [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed. Marijuana Rating Form administered at baseline 0900. Administered at 0945 and every 15 minutes until 1045, then every 30 minutes until 1245. At 1330 administered every 15 minutes until 1430, then every 30 minutes until 1630. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
  • Subjective Effects Scale Visual Analog Scale (VAS) (Self-report measure) [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed. Subjective Effects Scale administered at baseline 0900. Administered at 0945 and every 15 minutes until 1045, then every 30 minutes until 1245. At 1330 administered every 15 minutes until 1430, then every 30 minutes until 1630. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
  • State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Self-report measure) [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed. State-Trait Anxiety administered at baseline 0900. Administered at 0945 and every 15 minutes until 1045, then every 30 minutes until 1245. At 1330 administered every 15 minutes until 1430, then every 30 minutes until 1630. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
  • Systolic blood pressure (physiological effects) [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed. Systolic blood pressure measured at baseline 0900. Then measured at 0945 and every 15 minutes until 1045, then every 30 minutes until 1245. At 1330 measured every 15 minutes until 1430, then every 30 minutes until 1630. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    Examine whether acute smoked cannabidiol (CBD) attenuates physiological (cardiovascular) effects of marijuana.

  • Diastolic blood pressure (physiological effects) [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed. Diastolic blood pressure measured at baseline 0900. Then measured at 0945 and every 15 minutes until 1045, then every 30 minutes until 1245. At 1330 measured every 15 minutes until 1430, then every 30 minutes until 1630. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    Examine whether acute smoked cannabidiol (CBD) attenuates physiological (cardiovascular) effects of marijuana.

  • Heart rate (physiological effects) [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed. Heart rate measured at baseline 0900. Then measured at 0945 and every 15 minutes until 1045, then every 30 minutes until 1245. At 1330 measured every 15 minutes until 1430, then every 30 minutes until 1630. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    Examine whether acute smoked cannabidiol (CBD) attenuates physiological (cardiovascular) effects of marijuana.

  • Core-body temperature (physiological effects) [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed. Core-body temperature measured at baseline 0900. Then measured at 0945 and every 15 minutes until 1045, then every 30 minutes until 1245. At 1330 measured every 15 minutes until 1430, then every 30 minutes until 1630. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    Examine whether acute smoked cannabidiol (CBD) attenuates physiological (cardiovascular) effects of marijuana.

  • Derive peak concentration (Cmax) [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed.Six samples will be taken in each session: prior to the Cannabidiol dose (-15 min), and at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4 h post-Cannabidiol ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    Cannabidiol Pharmacokinetics

  • Time to peak (Tmax) and 6-hr area under the curve (AUC) measures [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed.Six samples will be taken in each session: prior to the Cannabidiol dose (-15 min), and at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4 h post-Cannabidiol ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    Cannabidiol Pharmacokinetics

  • Safety of Cannabidiol (CBD) for reducing marijuana seeking in non-treatment seeking volunteers with Cannabis use Disorders [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed throughout three 30-minute computer procedures that will be conducted during each of the three choice sessions. The three choice sessions will be conducted over two weeks, with each session day separated by at least 2 days. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    Measure drug-seeking behavior using a computerized (laptop) choice, progressive ratio procedure which allows participan to choose between marijuana puffs or money.

  • Efficacy of Cannabidiol (CBD) for reducing marijuana seeking in non-treatment seeking volunteers with Cannabis use Disorders [ Time Frame: Change is being assessed throughout three 30-minute computer procedures that will be conducted during each of the three choice sessions. The three choice sessions will be conducted over two weeks, with each session day separated by at least 2 days. ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    Measure drug-seeking behavior using a computerized (laptop) choice, progressive ratio procedure which allows participants to choose between marijuana puffs or money.

Participants will be asked to participate in a total of three choice sessions over two weeks with each session day separated by at least two days. Each session day will last approximately 8 hours.

During each study session participants will be asked to smoke a cigarette. Participants will be asked to smoke from a marijuana cigarette. These cigarettes may contain cannabidiol or they may not (placebo).

Participants will be asked to answer questions about how the drugs make them feel. Vitals signs (blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation) will be measured using a non-invasive (external) vitals monitor.

Six samples will be taken in each of the three sessions. Blood samples will be obtained via butterfly catheter placed in a vein.

Participants will be asked to remain in the laboratory until all marijuana-related subjective and physiological effects have returned to the original levels recorded this morning before they smoked the first marijuana cigarette.