The legalization of marijuana in the United States is a hot topic regardless of if you are for or against it. For states with strict laws against the possession of marijuana, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) has been giving various amounts of money to aid in eradicating marijuana plants within the state. The question is – is the DEA wasting money eradicating marijuana plants in these states?

Last year, the state of New Hampshire was given $20,000 by the DEA for the purpose of eradicating marijuana plants, federal documents report. A report by the DEA, however, reveals that the agency within the state of New Hampshire didn’t have much luck as they were only able to find one outdoor grow site with 27 marijuana plants.

If you do the math, it means U.S. taxpayers paid $740.74 for each of those 27 marijuana plants the DEA eradicated from the state of New Hampshire that year. If you happen to think that sounds like an awful lot of money to spend on eradicating a few marijuana plants in one state, The Washington Post reports it could have been a lot worst. [Read more at The Inquisitr]