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Initiative 1183 allows contract liquor stores to continue to operate. This page has the latest transition information for contract liquor store managers.

Inventory Payments Reminder (for applicable contract liquor store managers)

A 50% down payment on the value of your inventory is due to the LCB no later than Friday, May 11, 2012. The rest of the unpaid balance is due no later than Friday, June 22, 2012. Send your payments to:

Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board
Attn: Finance Division
3000 Pacific Avenue SE
P.O. Box 43088
Olympia WA 98504-3088

Licensing Information 

This information is for contract liquor stores that choose to operate after May 31, 2012.

Official Response to Contract Liquor Store Managers 

Below is the official Q and A response to contract liquor store managers on January 11, 2012.


Please go to the Public Records Office Transition Lists webpage for the following information:

1. State store addresses
2 .State stores by district and number of employees
3. Contract store addresses
4. Sales by state stores for fiscal years 2010 and 2011
5. Sales by contract stores for fiscal years 2010 and 2011
6. Brands sold listed by supplier and broker
7. Square footage of each state store
8. Landlords by state store
9. Spirits brokers