There are practical limits unique to each person for consuming medical Cannabis. Each consumption method requires a different dosage for your unique condition. Please keep in mind that Medical Cannabis is “Medical-Grade” meaning, it’s not for everyone.

If you’re going to use the self-titrating method, remember, starting with a small amount and gradually increasing the dose is the key to avoiding unwanted mental and physical side effects.

Learn what possible side effects might exist when combined with your other medications. Caregiving for patients requires knowledge and a Doctor’s advice. If you have a cannabis-treatable disease consider contacting a licensed physician experienced in certifying patients for medical Cannabis.

Figure Out Your Dosage
In the past, getting a precise dose of edible pot was complicated, if not impossible. Previously, edible marijuana popularly took the form of pot brownies, in which the THC followed the butter, to be spread among the batch willy-nilly: One brownie might be weak, another could be strong, and who knows the strength of the pot that went into the butter in the first place? But thanks to advances made in the medical marijuana sector, getting a precise dosage of edible THC is now totally doable.

Case in point: medicated gummy bears, each one of which is infused with exactly 10 mg of THC and packaged in bags containing 10 or 25 bears. Thus are customers given precise buildings blocks to construct their preferred high.

Think of 10 mg of THC (i.e., one medicated gummy bear) as one serving—say, a single shot of… Rest the rest at:

Read more articles on consuming medical Cannabis safely:

CBD Specific


Donald Abrams, MD, Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, et al., in their research paper “Medical Cannabis: Rational Guidelines for Dosing,” published Jan. 2004 on, wrote:

“An experienced cannabis smoker can titrate and regulate dose to obtain the desired acute effects and to minimize undesired effects. Each puff delivers a discrete dose of cannabinoids to the body. Puff and inhalation volume changes with phase of smoking, tending to be highest at the beginning and lowest at the end of smoking a cigarette…

Oral ingestion of THC or cannabis has quite different pharmacokinetics than inhalation. The onset of action is delayed and titration of dosing is more difficult…

Thus, a patient-determined, self-titrated dosing model is recommended. This self-titration model is acceptable given the heretofore-discussed variables as well as the low toxicity of cannabis. This construct is not unique to cannabis. Many other drugs have relatively low toxicity and high dosing ceilings (gabapentin being one notable example), and are titrated to effect.” View a dosage chart for examples.

Also see: Safe Use of Cannabis