A much anticipated comprehensive medical marijuana bill will be filed Tuesday in Texas for the upcoming 2017 legislative session.

State Senator José Menéndez (D-San Antonio), lead sponsor of the bill, made the announcement Monday.

“Twenty-eight states have recognized the medical benefit of cannabis, including conservative states like Arkansas, Montana, and North Dakota,” said Senator Menéndez. “It’s time Texas steps up to the plate and provide real relief for our suffering patients.”

The bill, Senate Bill 269, will allow patients with debilitating and chronic medical conditions to receive cannabis under recommendation and consultation of their doctor.  Cancer, PTSD, autism, HIV, severe pain and nausea, and Parkinson’s are just a few of the ailments that would qualify.

The bill does not specify the amount of cannabis patients can get and in what form because the senator believes doctors should make that call, not politicians.

“Doctors, not politicians, should be determining what is best for Texas patients,” said Senator Menéndez. “This is legitimate medicine that can help a of variety people, from the grandmother suffering from cancer to the veteran coping with PTSD after returning home from war.”

Last session, Senator Menéndez filed the first comprehensive medical cannabis legislation in the history of Texas, Senate Bill 1839.

Menéndez was the co-author of the landmark Senate Bill 339 which allowed for limited cannabis use for people with intractable epilepsy, passed by lawmakers in 2015.

A bill to decriminalize marijuana possession has also been pre-filed in advance of the 2017 Texas legislative session.  The 2017 legislative session in Texas begins January 10, 2017.

Texas State Senator Senator José Menéndez

Tags: 2017 Legislation, jose menendez, Texas, Texas medical marijuana, TX SB 269