DENVER, Feb. 15, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  The Colorado Department of Agriculture has, once again, validated the purity of Colorado Harvest Company cannabis for the second consecutive year, by awarding perfect scores on hundreds of samples of cannabis taken between Nov. 2016 and Jan. 2017. To celebrate, Colorado Harvest Company is launching Operation TransparenC SM, a consumer and industry education effort that is intended to inspire consumer confidence in legal cannabis.

Tim Cullen, CEO of Colorado Harvest Company, said that in the interest of consumer safety and awareness, he will be sharing his proven growing methods in 2017 through industry events, collaboration with state officials, media outreach, and by posting current test results, including levels of active THC, of its small batch harvests at .

“We’re opening a window of opportunity for cannabis entrepreneurs, enthusiasts and even regulators with what we’re calling operation TransparenC,” Cullen said. “This is an industry first. No one is this transparent, but I encourage my peers to join me.”

Cullen kicked off the effort on Tuesday, Jan. 31, by leading a tour of 22 officials from state agriculture departments as far away as Florida and the territory of Guam.  The Associated Press covered the tour of Colorado Harvest Company’s pristine cultivation facility. Cullen represents the cannabis industry as a member of the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s Private Advisory Committee in a collaborative project to create a curriculum for growers.

“Our biggest competitor remains the black market, “Cullen said. “Honesty is what allows us to compete on a higher ground.  Integrity is what sets us ahead of the competition.”

In addition to posting details on its website about the purity and potency of freshly harvested cannabis available in three Colorado Harvest Company cannabis centers, Cullen will be presenting safe, profitable and compliant production methods at two international cannabis conferences in spring 2017:

About Colorado Harvest Company Colorado Harvest Company produces and sells its own naturally-grown cannabis for adult medicinal and recreational use. Colorado Harvest Company was the first to commission an independent economic impact study of its business and has since become an industry model for financial transparency. Dedicated to providing customers with the highest quality naturally-grown cannabis and courteous customer service, Colorado Harvest Company’s reputation represents the benefits of the legal cannabis movement. Tim Cullen, CEO, is one of Colorado’s most knowledgeable cannabis authorities by nature of his years of diverse industry experience; formal education and training; public efforts to support legal compliance; industry involvement; community philanthropy and thoughtful media commentary.

Please visit Tim Cullen video.

CONTACT:  Ann Dickerson: [email protected]; 303-319-4330