The Lynching of Charlo Greene Blog Post #2:

It’s my birthday.
2 years ago today I broke the entire fucking internet and became a living legend at 26 for executing one of the greatest PR plays that resulted in Alaska legalizing weed.
Today is more my birthday, than my biological birthday. I’m gonna celebrate – with weed.
What followed after ‘fuck it’:
I created Alaska’s only safe access point, the Alaska Cannabis Club, which remains the only safe place for the state’s thousands of medical patients
I created Go Greene, a nonprofit that organizes the successful Cannabis Diversity Summit outreach event series. We’ve held more than 6 educational events this year for communities of color.
I produce and host my own talk show – which has reached more than 33 million people since starting this May (that’s more viewers than most primetime shows btw and more viewers than my last news station KTVA 11 News gets in a decade lol)
In 2 weeks my medical marijuana pre-roll company goes live in Michigan.
In 2 months, my women’s cannabis magazine, Her Flower Magazine, will be printing 10,000 free copies and distributing them across North America as well as making it available online.
And soon I’ll be releasing my first music video, featuring a song I wrote and recorded, which will be followed by my EP and a smoke session/listening tour. Yes, I make music and its fucking amazing. Like Wiz Khalifa meets Dej Loaf meets a pound of purp lol. I’m sooooo excited to share this with you.
Then my trial, the state’s effort to jail me for 24 years for taking a stand and refusing to turn my back on the state’s medical marijuana patients, will begin.
Did I know I would be facing a lifetime behind bars for standing up for cannabis and justice and freedom? No.
Would I do anything differently seeing where things ended?
Yes. I would’ve left Alaska immediately after “fuck it” knowing that none of the residents actually had my back or would be willing to stand up for me – none except the one guy that showed up to my first hearing. I would’ve gone ANYwhere else but here, because in Alaska, and I’m sure anyone that’s made it from a small town can agree: the most vocal people, who have the most free time because they have nothing going on for themselves think that my come up means it’ll cost them theirs. They see opportunities to do or be great as limited and see me as a threat to their ability to create a legacy. So instead of support I was immediately put under attack by the people I sacrificed everything for who justified the backlash after reading a few shitty local opinion pieces (that were dripping with racism about how ghetto and classless I, a person these people had only every known as a news anchor before ‘fuck it’, was) that were disguised as news.
I would’ve left sooner and gone anywhere else.
But I didn’t. I stayed and kept my commitment to continue providing safe access to the people that needed it most – and I’m looking at a lifetime behind bars because of it – and the people of Alaska remain silent as the state uses their tax dollars to fund a modern day lynching of the one voice willing to speak out. Alaskans… Outside of that, there’s nothing I’d change.
I live everyday like it could be my last because in less than a year, it’s a very real possibility that I will be locked in a cage and not let out until I’m 62. That means no kids. No family. No nothing. So, that’s an upside to the trial, I’ve been forced to value each day that much more knowing that I may not have many left.
Any who… Happy Birthday to me. I’ll only be accepting gifts of weed today. And none of that boo boo shit.
Join me for a live cyber sesh in a couple of hours. We’ll do a live Ask Me Anything to celebrate this momentous occasion.

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