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By Sara Dilley

Is your photo the best on Leafly?

Each month, thousands of strain images are uploaded to Leafly through our app. We’ve seen everything, from lush, jaw-dropping images of trichome-rich buds in purple, orange, and green hues, to low-quality dried flower photographed blurrily on dirt-encrusted countertops. We’ve even seen dick pics. (Yes, we see each and every one you upload. No, you’re not the first one to think of submitting your junk.)

The more images each strain page has, the more it helps other consumers who are looking for information about a particular cannabis strain. To encourage more photo submissions, as well as to highlight examples of which images to upload, we decided to share a monthly roundup of a few of the best strain photos Leafly has to offer.

Have you ever shared your strain photos on Leafly? We’d love to see them, and so would other Leafly members. Upload your strain photos through our iOS or Android App today!


Romulan, named after the alien Star Trek race, is a powerful indica revered for its potent therapeutic qualities. Though mostly indica, Romulan growers insist sativa genetics have crept in over time, lending it intense cerebral effects. These squat, pine-scented plants produce dense frosty buds that have found their following among connoisseurs in B.C. and the Pacific Northwest.

King’s Bread

To continue reading this story, visit our friend’s website (opens in a new window):: Cannapics: Our Favorite Cannabis Photos on Leafly This Month