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By: Pete Chapman

Did you know that cannabis wasn’t made an illegal prescription drug in the US until its ban in 1937? The grounds of its prohibition were that the drug had no medicinal value.

However, its government classification as a Schedule I drug didn’t deter medical researchers from finding more information about the medicinal value of cannabis. Consequently, today, we’ve undisputed proof that cannabis could be a major breakthrough for many patients who are battling terminal illnesses.

According to a June 2015 publication in PubMed, a clinical study of the existing literature on Medical Marijuana for Treatment of Chronic Pain and Other Medical and Psychiatric Problems showed the following possible uses of cannabis.

Treatment of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in the United States of America. It is a disease that affects the optic nerve and causes damages that can lead to partial or total vision loss. Damage to the optic nerve is largely related to a high level of intraocular pressure (IOP). Proper treatment of the condition should thus focus on lowering the intraocular pressure.

Though some ophthalmologists are not for the idea of using cannabis for treatment of glaucoma, it actually does lower the intraocular pressure. In this case, cannabis can be efficiently prescribed to treat glaucoma. Other than smoking, one can administer the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) by mouth, eye drops, or place it under the tongue.

Managing pain related to Multiple Sclerosis

Cannabinoids have the ability to reduce pain and spasticity resulting from nerve damage. In fact, nabiximols (product of synthetic cannabis extracts), such as Sativex are already being sold in certified clinics in about 15 countries, outside the US to manage muscle spasms related to MS.

If the natural cannabis could be allowed to such patients, they will numerous other benefits including reduced gastrointestinal distress and improved quality of sleep.


Even during its prohibition, many have used cannabis to cope with anxiety disorders related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Though this dependency was sort of abusive, researchers have sought to find out if cannabis could be used to treat PTSD-related symptoms.

Such symptoms range from insomnia, to social withdrawal, re-experiences, anxiety attacks, and so forth.

The idea behind the possible use of cannabis in the treatment of PTSD lies in the fact that the human system produces a cannabinoid compound called anandamide. If anandamide goes low, a person has higher chances of experiencing PTSD. So, cannabinoids (THC), induced by consumption of cannabis will restore endocannabinoid deficiency in the body thus providing relief to PTSD patients.


Cannabis is a better pain killer with no known dependency tendencies if used in long term. This is because cannabinoids have proved to alter how the human brain responds to pain and sensation. Specifically, cannabis enables a person to experience less pain.

Pain and nausea relief in cancer patients

Many people have argued that some effects of cancer treatments are dire than the disease itself. This could make some sense when you have an idea of the level of pain such patients endure during and after chemo sessions. To top it all, the medications cause one to suffer nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. All these side effects can be effectively controlled by administering cannabinoids in situations where conventional drugs have failed. Places, like Canada, already use synthetic cannabinoids to this effect.

Other than debating about the possible negative effects of cannabis when people self-medicate, the government could legalize the drug for medical use. This way, the State exercises proper control on how the to handle the drug. Clear guidelines not only provides access to the drug for many who are suffering, but also effectively tame misuse.

About the Author:

Pete is a marijuana enthusiast who joined TheJunkyG, a website featuring information about weed strains, seeds and seed banks reviews and comparisons, because of his urge to share his knowledge about marijuana with the world. His current focus is on Hemp but he likes to write on anything related to marijuana. And yes, he does vape.

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