Community requests medical marijuana and recreational regulations be considered separately

Several medical marijuana supporters addressed the Paso Robles City Council during the marijuana regulation study session at Tuesday’s council meeting. The consistent request was for the council to separate medical marijuana regulations from any recreational use regulations the council may be considering.

At its Aug. 30 meeting the Paso Robles Planning Commission voted to recommend that the city council expand its current ban on medical marijuana cultivation and dispensaries and include recreational and commercial marijuana activities in advance of the November vote on Proposition 64, titled the Adult Use of Marijuana Act.

The commission’s recommendation spurred concern among those who support and rely on the use of medical marijuana. Speakers at Tuesday night’s study session included cancer survivors, medical marijuana advocates, and representatives from the Central Coast Growers Alliance.

The reasons given for forming a study committee for regulations on medical marijuana included:

At the end of the public comment, Mayor Steve Martin said, “There is a usefulness of marijuana in the medical sense.” Martin said he was willing to consider the possibility of separating medical use from personal use. Councilman Fred Strong agreed that medical use and personal use are separate issues and “at this point in time would consider banning recreational use until state law mandates otherwise.” Strong also said he was in favor of involving medical professionals in the discussion about medical marijuana. Councilman Steve Gregory said he would like to see the laws from Colorado and Washington and learn what is happening with the economies in those states.

City Manager Tom Frutchey said that his office would prepare a proposal to the city council for forming a community committee to study the needs and regulations for medical marijuana use. In the meantime, Frutchey urges community members who are interested in being part of a committee addressing medical marijuana to contact the city council.

Martin said that Tuesday’s study group was not for the purpose of reaching a decision on the ordinance draft that was received from the planning commission. Further consideration will be addressed at the Sept. 20 city council meeting.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: City Council Considers Community Committee To Study Medical Marijuana
Author: Jackie Iddings
Contact: (805) 226-5714
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Paso Robles Daily News