In the last article, we talked about the shift to a relationship (or membership) economy and how your customers want to go where everyone knows their name.

Just a little refresher…

…The relationship economy changes the focus from anonymous transactions to known relationships and gives us the opportunity to enable connection and community under the umbrella of our beautiful and amazing brands.

So building on that premise, let’s dive back in.

Here are some action steps you can take to become the Cheers of cannabis.

Think bigger than your products and services. Focus on what you DO, not just what you sell.

Dispensary Owners:

Instead of simply selling cannabis products, you provide medicine to sick people and joy to those who want to use cannabis to recreate.

Grow Store Owners:

Instead of selling lights, soil and fertilizers, you provide solutions to help growers maximize their yields and get the most ROI from their space.


Instead of simply providing legal advice, you actually provide peace of mind and comfort in a rapidly changing and increasingly stressful landscape.

Once you move the focus away from your products and services, you will be able to focus on the big picture of your customer. Ask yourself: “What are my prospects and customers trying to ACHIEVE by using my product or service and how can I best help them achieve their goals?” 

Tapping into this mindset will give you the ability to recognize the specific things that your customers (aka members) really value. This in turn will help you create rewards, loyalty programs and perks to keep your tribe engaged.

Allow your front line staff (budtenders, sales people, paralegals etc.) the ability to hook up your loyal customers.

A great example of front line staff hooking up the regulars can be found at most of the big casinos. Places like Caesars Palace in Las Vegas allow employees the ability to comp regular guests or “excite and delight guests” who may be celebrating milestones such as birthdays or anniversaries with free dinners, shows or upgrades to nicer rooms.

If you allow your front line staff the ability to go above and beyond for those who are most loyal or those celebrating a special event or even those having a bad day, your customers are very likely to remember that hook up, tell their friends and join your tribe. 

Incentivize your most loyal customers to help you grow your tribe.

This is where referral programs can really work. Offer customers who naturally advocate for your business a reward for their referrals and efforts. If you’re paying attention, you should know who these people are. They are often the people who spend their own time recruiting friends and family to join your tribe; they are the ones who attend all of your events and like all of your social posts. However, it’s easy to overlook their efforts and forget to reward them. Offer them discounts for everyone they refer to your business; a friends and family discount or a special invitation to a VIP event in exchange for their loyalty and service.

Remember the goal here is to enable community and connection. You do this by recognizing and rewarding your most loyal customers, and cultivating the “Cheers vibe”.

Side note…

…in 2016 and soon-to-be 2017,  hand-written thank you notes go a long, long way.  Just saying!