Updated: 12:25PM EST

Several marijuana policy initiatives have proved themselves to be a close call tonight. Arkansas proved itself no different. Yet it seems that the final decision has been made.

With 87.9% of precincts results in, rthe Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment, Issue 6, passes into law!

Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment legalizes:

While the initiative legalizes medical marijuana, it does allow municipalities control over whether or not dispensaries and grow facilities are established in their jurisdiction. Here is a full text version of The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2016.

This is a tightly controlled medical marijuana system where patients are not allowed to grow their own marijuana, regardless of their distance from a dispensary.

This program is overseen by the Department of Health and the Alcohol Beverage Control Division. Revenue from taxes on medical marijuana will go to support the Vocational Technical Training Special Revenue Fund, the State General Fund, workforce training programs, the Department of Health, Alcoholic Beverage Control divisions and the newly-created Medical Marijuana Commission.

In 2012, Arkansas voted against an initiative to legalize medical marijuana. Full text on the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment can be found here.