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New polling shows that despite a massive influx of money to the primary group opposing Proposition 205 to legalize cannabis in Arizona, a solid 50% of voters in the state say they’re in support of the measure.

According to the poll, 42% of registered voters in Arizona say they plan to vote in favor of Proposition 205, which would legalize the possession of up to an ounce of cannabis for everyone 21 and older. It would also legalize personal cannabis cultivation, and a regulated system of cannabis retail outlets.

The poll asked participants whether they were “Like to vote in favor or against legalizing the recreational use of marijuana for Arizona adults 21 and older?”

8% of respondents stated that they’re undecided, meaning that although legalization is in the lead, it’s still an incredibly close battle given that if all of the undecided decided to oppose Prop 205, support would be at an even 50/50 split.

Although the initiative in on the November 8th general election ballot, many Arizonans have already made their vote, or plan to soon, as early voting is already underway.

Recently The Discount Tire Co. donated $1 million to oppose Proposition 205. The donation came just weeks after one of Arizona’s leading manufacturers of prescription drugs donated a half a million to defeat the measure. Despite this, pollster Mike O’Neil says the survey offers “substantial evidence” Prop 205 will pass.

“It seems that they’ve dug in on this one,” O’Neil says of Arizona voters. “People have had time to think about it, they’ve had time to digest it, they’ve gotten the (campaign) messages they’re going to get and the campaigns have made their best shots with advertising messages.”

O’Neil says that “This suggests to me a strong probability that people have tended to make up their minds on this. For the 8 percent who say they don’t know — a lot of those won’t vote and a lot of them that do may pass on this question.”

If you support legalizing cannabis in Arizona it’s not too late to make a contribution to help with ad pushes in these final days – you can do so by clicking here.

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