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By Charlotte McLeod

INN has created a series of Free Reports for investors, reviewing highlights of 2015 and looking forward to 2016. Over 50 articles covering over 40 investing topics including insight and forecasts from hundreds of sources, these Free Reports offer incredible value to investors.

All new for 2016, these free reports are mobile and tablet friendly. This means you can take them to go or read these free reports at your leisure. Feel free to share with your friends and family – anyone you feel should be looking at the investing opportunities that 2016 presents.

Critical Metals Outlook: The Potential for 2016

Jon Hykawy of Stormcrow Capital Talks Rare Earth Prices 2015
Rare Earth Market Outlook 2016
Graphite Outlook 2016: Megafactory Deals on the Horizon?
Cobalt Outlook 2016: Near-term Deficit Still Expected
Tungsten Outlook: Does 2016 Have Potential?
Tantalum Price Trends 2015
Magnesium Mining Outlook 2016
Manganese Outlook 2016: Weak Steel Demand a Threat
Scandium Market Trends for 2015

Precious Metals

Gold Trends 2015: CEOs Recap the Year
Gold CEO Outlook
Gold Analyst Outlook
Silver Predictions 2016: Watch China and the Gold Price
Top Silver Investments of 2015
Platinum Price Forecast 2016: Market to Balance
Palladium Price Forecast 2016
Diamond Outlook 2016: Summer to Bring Higher Prices?


Uranium Outlook 2016: Supply Deficit in the Cards
Analysts Look Back at the Lithium Market in 2015
Junior Lithium Miners: 2015 in Review
Lithium Company Outlook
Lithium Outlook 2016: What are Analysts Saying?
Oil Price Outlook 2016: Turnaround Targeted in late 2016
Natural Gas Outlook 2016: Prices to Stay Down on Oversupply

Industrial Metals (Coming Soon)

Coal in 2015: Another Tough Year
Coal Outlook 2016: Near-term Rebound Highly Unlikely
5 Top Vanadium Articles of 2015
Aluminum Outlook 2016: Weakness to Prevail on Oversupplied Steel Industry
Tin Outlook
Molybdenum Outlook
Chromium Outlook

Base Metals (Coming Soon)

Copper Price Forecast 2016: Producers Under Pressure
Copper Outlook 2016: Companies Weigh In
Zinc Forecast 2016: Will Strong Fundamentals Boost Price?
Iron Price Forecast for 2016 and Onward
Lead Outlook 2016: Watch China for Cues
Nickel Outlook


Investing in Cannabis 2016: Legalization and FDA Approvals to Revolutionize the Market
Potash Outlook 2016: SOP Expected to Shine
Phosphate Outlook: Steady Demand on the Horizon

Technology (Coming Soon)

2016 to Bring Big Changes for Cleantech Investors?
3 Social Media Future Trends for 2016
Year in Review: The Bitcoin Market in 2015
Data Mining Trends for 2016
Investing in 3D Printer Companies in 2016
3 Top App Investing Trends for 2016
Nanotechnology Future Outlook 2016
Graphene Outlook
Cybersecurity Outlook
Cloud Outlook

Life Science (Coming Soon)

Top Trends for Genomics Stocks in 2016
2016 Outlook for Pharmaceutical Investors
Top Longevity Research Trends: Life Extension in 2016
Top Medical Device Trends for 2016
Biotech Outlook

Have other topics you’d like us to cover?

Please let us know!

The post 2016 Outlook Free Reports appeared first on Investing News Network.

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