By Allen St. Pierre, NORML Executive Director

2015 NORML Legislative Fly-In

Please join NORML on May 20/21 in Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress for passage of cannabis law reform legislation pending before it.

You’ve probably seen by now the historically important bill to reform medical cannabis laws introduced in the U.S. Senate. There has never been a more exciting and receptive time to be a cannabis law reform activist in America with this political backdrop:

It’s indisputable. Cannabis law reform in America is happening in our lifetimes.

By the time the NORML Legislative Fly-In convenes in late May, as many as 20 reform bills will have been introduced for us to rally around in our lobbying efforts–and with the new Senate bill, for the first time since the late 1970s, there is good reason to lobby the Senate as hard as the House.

Also, and of great importance in placing upward political pressure on elected members of Congress and their staff, are the nearly 75 state legislative bills around the country that are now debating cannabis law reform measures–ranging from medical access to industrial hemp to decriminalization to legalization.

This year upwards of half the states’ legislatures are looking at dozens of reform bills and this clearly positively impacts Congress to see these needed socio-legal reforms bubbling up from their home states and regions.

For many in Congress, they know the political writing is on the wall for the federal prohibition on cannabis commerce to survive much longer.

Let’s help make their jobs easier by showing them the necessary public support to hasten cannabis law reforms at the federal level.

Lastly, there is a strong possibility that we’re going to add another event to the program, in conjunction with High Times…and featuring a famous TV and movie personality who has expressed strong interest in getting involved with the public discussion about cannabis law reform. TBA.

Please pre-register for the NORML Legislative Fly-In, make your travel and hotel arrangements ASAP to assure lowest possible costs.

NORML members and supporters get first shot at the low early bird pricing of $50/person.

Also, there are sponsorship opportunities as well for cannabis-related businesses, services and organizations.

Below is a brief breakdown of lodging options for the Conference.

Thanks in advance and hope to see you at the height of Spring in the nation’s capital, being an active participant in an historic public advocacy effort to once and for all end cannabis prohibition.

Cannabem liberemus,

-Allen St. Pierre
Executive Director
NORML / NORML Foundation
Washington, D.C.

Via:: Norml News