Nevada’s Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol received the official endorsement of 10 different labor unions. All of the labor unions endorsing Question 2 are listed below in this post.

The announcement comes just two weeks after the group announced the endorsement of Culinary Local 226, the largest labor union in the state.

“This is a tremendous show of support from the labor community,” says Joe Brezny, spokesperson for the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, the group behind Nevada’s Question 2.

“Their support demonstrates that the working people of Nevada want to take marijuana out of the criminal market and shift production and sales into regulated, tax-paying businesses.”

“Some powerful individuals and groups are attempting to scare Nevadans into keeping marijuana prohibition in place. The people who care about good jobs, safer communities, and money for schools believe that voting Yes on Question 2 to regulate marijuana is the far more sensible choice,” Brezny continues.

“These endorsements underscore one of the key benefits of regulating marijuana”, says State Senator Aaron Ford.

“The passage of Question 2 will take the production and sale out of the underground market and create thousands of good paying jobs for Nevadans. It will be a tremendous benefit to our state to eliminate a significant portion of the criminal drug trade while providing significant tax revenue to our state. For jobs, for revenue, and for public safety, I am proudly supporting Question 2.”

“As a former member of the Culinary Union myself, I am proud to see that they have endorsed Question 2”, says Assembly Member Maggie Carlyon. “We all know that marijuana prohibition is a failed policy. It places the marijuana market in the hands of criminals, making our streets less safe, yet has not prevented anyone from acquiring marijuana if they want it.”

“We will be better off if we regulate marijuana like alcohol. I hope that all members of the Culinary Union, as well as the other unions, will take this endorsement to heart and cast their votes in favor of more sensible marijuana policies for Nevada,” Carlyon continues.

If passed into law Question 2 would legalize the possession of up to an ounce of cannabis and the personal cultivation of up to six cannabis plants, for those 21 and older. State-licensed cannabis retail outlets would also be legalized.