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Correction: An amendment in section 2 states in part, “provided that medical marijuana dispensary activities pursuant to chapter 329D shall not be considered an eligible business activity for the purposes of this chapter.”

Dispensaries can not produce genetically-engineered medical products and be considered an “Eligible business activity”.

Senate Bill 780 Introduced by Senators Mike Gabbard, Will Espero, Stanley Chang and Gil Riviere would allow for “Research, development, sale, or production of all types of genetically-engineered medical, agricultural, or maritime biotechnology products;” and House Bill 784 introduced by Richard Creagan, Matthew S LoPresti, Gregg Takayama also creates a special provision which allows for “Research, development, sale, or production of all types of genetically-engineered medical, agricultural, or maritime biotechnology products;“.


SB 780 has been referred to the following committees for review:

The chairs of these committees decide whether to pass the bill forward for additional consideration or refuse to hear the bill in their committees. Contact these committee chairs to let them know you do not want genetically modified ingredients in your medicine.

(Review list of committee chairs and their contact information)

AEN Senate Committee on Agriculture and Environment chair photo vicechair photo


ETT Senate Committee on Economic Development, Tourism, and Technology chair photo vicechair photo


TRE Senate Committee on Transportation and Energy chair photo


JDL Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor vicechair photo


WAM Senate Committee on Ways and Means chair photo

HB 784 has passed it’s first reading and continues along the path to becoming legal. Both Bills need to be stopped.


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