Albany — Nearly a year since the medical marijuana law passed in New York in June 2014, patients and families will gather in Albany to urge lawmakers to pass a bill that would create an emergency access program so that critically ill patients could access medical marijuana. Since the law passed, not one patient has been able to access medical marijuana and at least four children from across New York State have tragically died while waiting to obtain this much-needed medicine. In the final days of the legislative session, patients and advocates will gather in Albany to call on the New York Assembly and Senate to pass legislation that would create an emergency access program for patients with the most urgent need – including children suffering from severe epilepsy. The bill – A.7060 (Gottfried) / S. 5086 (Griffo) – has bi-partisan support including, co-sponsor Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb. The bill is expected to pass the Assembly, and advocates are calling on the Senate to move swiftly to pass the bill before the end of the legislative session next week.
Compassionate Care NY will hold a press conference urging passage of the bill, which is likely to be voted on by the full Assembly early this week.
What: Press conference on legislation to create emergency access to medical marijuana
Representatives of the Drug Policy Alliance
Assembly Health Committee Chair Richard N. Gottfried
Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb
Senator Joseph Griffo
Rebecca Campos, Registered Nurse and patient with epilepsy
Amy Piperato, Physician, Mother of a child with a severe epileptic disorder
Mackenzie Kulaway, patient with a severe epileptic disorder
When: Tuesday, June 9, 11:30 AM
Where: LCA Hallway (Senate side), NYS Capitol
Date Published: June 8, 2015
Published by Drug Policy Alliance
Via:: Ddrug Policy Alliance