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Ask Dr. Dave is a place where you can ask practicing physician health questions about cannabis. To submit your questions for a future article, click here.

David Bearman M.D. is one of the most clinically knowledgeable physicians in the U.S. in the field of medicinal marijuana. His over 40-year career includes public health, administrative medicine, provision of primary care, pain management and cannabinology. For more of Dr. Dave’s expertise, click here.

This week, Sharon from California asks Dr. Dave:

Dear Dr. Dave,

How can we convince our oncologist and GP of the cancer-fighting properties of cannabis? They are familiar with the palliative benefits, but stop short of patting our heads when we bring up the cancer-fighting benefits. Are there respected studies I can put in front of them that may change their mind?



Thank you for your question.

Click here for an article I wrote 8 years ago that addresses several studies and references a review article written by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine. (Editors note: This free .PDF is perfect to print and give to your primary care doctor, oncologist, GP, or nurse.)

There are currently two human double blind studies going on, one in the UK, the other in Israel, on Glioblastoma Multiforme.

You might also have your doctor watch the documentary Medicinal Cannabis and Its Impact on Your Health

All the best,

Dr. Dave

About the Author

David Bearman, M.D.

Dr. Bearman is one of the most clinically knowledgeable physicians in the U.S. in the field of medicinal marijuana. He has spent 40 years working in substance and drug abuse treatment and prevention programs. Dr. Bearman was a pioneer in the free and community clinic movement. His career includes public health, administrative medicine, provision of primary care, pain management and cannabinology.